Goals for 1/13/15-1/21/15
- Design in Solidworks and print several (at least 5) pieces of the modular designs. Then construct the modular shank
- If possible (time permitting), test the shank for strength, both parallel and perpendicular to its length.
- Contact the prosthetist to arrange another meeting at Union O and P
Goals for 12/19/14-1/05/15
- Formally write a procedure for a perpendicular shin test
- Draw/design one modular shank, and if materials permit, create it on Solidworks.
Goals for 12/11/14-12/18/14
- Draft a test to test perpendicular shin (i.e. a kick to the shin) and test the current 20 cm bio-mimic and elliptic shanks
- Print bio-mimic and elliptic straight shank designs at 15 cm, plus the design for the circular shank
- Contact expert at Union Orthotics and Prosthetics to arrange meeting
- Create on Solidworks one design for a modular shank (create one piece)
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