
Goals are essential for the engineering process; they keep the engineer/researcher on track, make it clear to the public where the researcher is and how much progress they've made, and define the next step for the engineer. On this page you can see where I am with my project. I will outline what I need to do this week, and you can track how much progress has been made.

Goals for 1/13/15-1/21/15

  • Design in Solidworks and print several (at least 5) pieces of the modular designs. Then construct the modular shank
    • If possible (time permitting), test the shank for strength, both parallel and perpendicular to its length.
  • Contact the prosthetist to arrange another meeting at Union O and P

Goals for 12/19/14-1/05/15

  • Formally write a procedure for a perpendicular shin test
  • Draw/design one modular shank, and if materials permit, create it on Solidworks.

Goals for 12/11/14-12/18/14

  • Draft a test to test perpendicular shin (i.e. a kick to the shin) and test the current 20 cm bio-mimic and elliptic shanks
  • Print bio-mimic and elliptic straight shank designs at 15 cm, plus the design for the circular shank
  • Contact expert at Union Orthotics and Prosthetics to arrange meeting
  • Create on Solidworks one design for a modular shank (create one piece)

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